Thousands of bank workers take to the streets in Italy to demonstrate against ending of national collective agreement.
Milan - Rome January 30th 2015
UNI's affiliates reported a 90% participation rate for today's strike action, protesting at Italy's Banking Employers' Association's unilateral unilateral decision to terminate the national collective agreement and change bank workers' terms and conditions from April 1.
Without Collective Agreement workers should face longer working hours, less salary and a squeeze on vocational training. Not only would workers suffer but so would customers as standards fall. BANKERS want to keep their privileges and to keep their privileges they cancel our rights.
The top tier of bankers has seen their salaries skyrocket even since the beginning of the financial crisis in 2008, with some earning up to 3.7 million euros per year plus bonuses compared to the 40,000 euro average annual salary earned by bank workers - meaning they would have to work a hundred years to have parity with the bosses.
UNI Finance would like to express its full support to the UNI affiliates in Italy.