UNI Finance: solidarity with Greek people

UNI Finance expresses its solidarity with the Greek people in this difficult period!

The Greek banking sector is under incredible pressure right now, and we are aware that workers are suffering both as citizens and as bank employees.

Uncertainty about jobs and the future of the Greek banking sector in general is a heavy burden for them to bear.

The undermining of labour and social rights and collective bargaining structures in particular, that came with austerity measures, are unacceptable.

UNI Global Union, the ITUC and ETUC are united in calling for the Troika and the Greek government to get back to the table and find a way to rebuild Greece through a sensible debt re-scheduling and relief system. The well-being of the Greek people must have priorityin this process.

They must not be punished for corporate greed of the financial crisis and the misguided Troika austerity policies that followed.

UNI Europa Finance stands by its Greek affiliates and will use its influence at European level to work together for a solution.

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